All fenders are exact duplicates of the originals. The sheet metal is chemically treated but not primed. The correct brackets are installed on all 1909-1916 fenders, and there are no brackets on the 1917-1925 ones. The fenders have wire beading inserted in the fender edge as per the originals. The 1917-1925 fenders are crown top. We do not have any new steel 1926-1927 rear fenders. The early 1909 fender has a square nose without a bill. The late 1913 fender has a cross bead. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery for most fenders. Allow 3-6 months for delivery for all 1917-27 fenders.
Before ordering any sheet metal, always verify your body year. The engine year is not 100% reliable as a means for identifying the body year, since many cars have had their engines changed or updated. Some years are transition years. Verify what you have prior to ordering.
Do not paint your new fenders until you have test-fitted them. Indeed, all body parts require some attention before being ready to paint. Fenders are not primed & modified pieces are not returnable. If any fitment work is needed, you don't want to damage the paint, or contaminate it with oil. With this in mind, it is wise to test fit your new fenders as soon as you receive them. When you have everything aligned properly & are satisfied with the fit, be sure to thoroughly clean the fenders with a degreasing solution prep to remove any oil residue. Don't delay getting started on test fitting, since bare steel fenders will rust almost immediately; & rusted or painted parts cannot be returned.
All fenders are shipped in special boxes to avoid damage. Steel fenders are shipped directly from the factory.
Make | Model | Years |
Ford | Model TT | 1918 - 1925 |